
Golf Lessons

Valleybrook Golf Lessons

Private golf instruction is offered by the Dick Smith Golf Academy, Valleybrook’s PGA Director of Golf, Brad Miller (millerb@valleybrookgolf.com), and Valleybrook’s PGA Associate Lead Assistant, Luke Farquhar (farquharl@valleybrookgolf.com). 


Instructor Individual Lesson Duration Cost
Brad Miller, PGA Director of Golf 30 Minutes $60
30 Minutes – Junior ONLY $45
45 Minutes $85
60 Minutes $105
Group Lesson Duration
60 Minutes (2, 3, or 4 Students) – Adult $120
60 Minutes (2 Students) – Junior $80
60 Minutes (3 Students)- Junior $90
60 Minutes (4 Students) – Junior $100
Parent/Junior Group Lesson Duration
2 Students $90
3 or 4 Students $100


Instructor Individual Lesson Duration Cost
Luke Farquhar, Lead Assistant 30 Minutes – Adult $40
30 Minutes – Junior $25
45 Minutes – Adult $55
60 Minutes – Adult $70
Group Lesson Duration
60 Minutes (2, 3, or 4 Students) – Adult $80
60 Minutes (2 Students) – Junior $50
60 Minutes (3 Students)- Junior $60
60 Minutes (4 Students) – Junior $80

Interested in booking a lesson or learning more?

Contact our golf staff today!
Brad Miller, PGA Professional & Director of Golf • millerb@valleybrookgolf.com • 856-227-3171 x. 201
Luke Farquhar, PGA Associate & Lead Assistant • farquharl@valleybrookgolf.com • 856-227-3171

Dick Smith Golf Academy

The Dick Smith Golf Academy private instruction is the ultimate learning experience where one on one attention is provided to the student. Their teaching professionals are available seven days a week and offer appointments during the daytime and evenings for the convenience of the student.